A Hidden Door, Courage and A Crown of Jewels

This morning I read a quote by Joseph Campbell, "When you stumble, there lies your jewel.” 

It was such a simple line that I pretty much just breezed past it. But some part of me - perhaps the part that loves sparkly things - pulled me back and made me stop and take in the words in a deeper way. 

"When you stumble, there lies your jewel." 

As I re-read the quote, a little scene instantly played out in my mind: I saw my feet. I saw myself stumble. And right there in the dirt, lay a jewel. 

Only in my attempt to deal with the pang of embarrassment that sometimes comes with a stumble like that, I don't see the gift lying there for me. 

As the scene ended, I heard voice. It cried out: “John! Look down at your feet!” 

How many times have I missed the jewel at my feet - I wondered? 

Later this morning, I came across these words by the resplendent Pema Chödrön; “I’m here to tell you that the path to peace is right there, when you want to get away." 

Ain’t life grand? It always brings a smile to my face when messages like these align so closely. 

I guess I needed to be reminded of something important today - that right there in the very thing I want to get away from, be it a moment of embarrassment, a sense of shame, a shortcoming on my part or a dumb-ass mistake that I’ve made for the tenth time...that right there in my mess is my spiritual path. Right there lies a jewel that is mine to be claimed and cherished. 

I only have to have the courage to look. 

So often we see something that displeases us about ourselves, and our immediate response is to hide, to not look at it. So often in response to the not-so-prettier parts of ourselves, we turn away. 

When the truth is if we can muster the courage to plunk ourselves down right there in the mess we’ve created and look that thing in the eye, what we’ll find is a secret door that leads to greater peace and increased happiness. 

In every fumble, in every bad mood, shortcoming, mistake or blunder there is work that can be done. And when we do the work, we receive the gift. We shift what once seemed unshiftable. 

When we face the thing that scares us, it’s like placing our hand on the doorknob of that secret door, turning it to open and finding that on the other side there is a brighter, happier world to live into. 

So yes. At your feet there lies a jewel. In fact, the ground around you is littered with them. And if you practice looking down when you stumble, you’ll begin to collect those jewels. Each one representing a time when you pushed past a place that scared you. Each one a gift of your very own courage to look. 

Before you know it you’ll have a crown full of sparkly things that will dazzle your senses every time you catch a glimpse of your True Self in the mirror.

Over time what you’ll find is that your sense of peace and happiness is no longer contingent on outside circumstances. Instead, it will be lasting. The kind that moves with you until the end. 

And soon enough you’ll begin to spot others in the crowds of your days. You’ll see them.  

They walk with a different step, a clarity in their eyes, a certain bravery in their intentions. You’ll know them by the crowns on their head. Crowns of courage. The courage to look within at the sacred mess of living and pull out the gems intended only for them. 

So here’s to you and your courage sweet friend. May you receive the gifts that come with slowing down and looking within. 

Happy living, xoxo, JohnnyD 

Photo credit: Marc Olivier Jodoin 


The Tiniest Key

On a spectacular spring day last week, I took a walk with my sweet friend, Drayton, along the High Line here in NYC. It was a magical day.